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The Department of Architectural engineering at Youngsan University aims to foster human resources specializing in smart city construction in the direction of educational characterization in the era of the 4th industrial revolution. To this end, IoT technology convergence education such as sensing, network, and platform technology, including smart homes for AI and big data technology applications, is being strengthened in the architectural engineering curriculum. Due to the specialization of such major education, we have a vision and strength for the future-oriented high-quality employment field as well as the traditional employment field of architectural engineering.
Specialization of major education
- Reinforcement of SW (software) education tailored to major and convergence-based classes such as BIM, Internet of Things (IoT), big data, and artificial intelligence (AI)
- Open various cultural and comparative programs to foster creative convergence talent
- The systematic operation of convergence education to solve new problems and foster future talents by combining various majors by reflecting the demand of industries
- Reinforcement of innovative classes such as PBL (Problem or Project Based Learning), flipped learning, capstone design, and service learning to foster talent for convergence capabilities linked to corporate sites
- Digital Architecture and Smart City Curriculum
- Development of Professional Design Personnel for Digital Architecture Based on BIM
- Enhancement of 2D and 3D CAD education to meet the needs of recent industries for digital literacy
- Strengthening Professional Certificate Education
- Architecture: Construction engineer, Safety engineer, Industrial engineer, Cad engineer, Urban Planning engineer, Landscape architect
- Employment-linked education is conducted through capstone design curriculum